Times Table Rockstars – an app/website for practising times tables (login details have been given to the children).
Squeebles – this is an app for spelling and maths.
Hit the Button – this is a great resource for practising times table and number bonds.
Cloud Tables – this is an app for a times tables game.
White Rose Maths is producing a daily video, worksheet and answers for maths home learning.
Squeebles – this is an app for spelling and maths.
Spelling Shed – an interactive way to practise weekly spelling patterns and high frequency words (login details have been given to the children).
Busy Things – a multi-award-winning collection of educational games and activities for children between the ages of 3 and 11. Linked to the curriculum and subjects including English, maths, science, geography, music, coding & much more! Busy Things can be played on a computer, laptop or tablet and accessed via LGfl by using your child’s login details.
Top Marks – great for interactive games.
Scratch – children can create their own programs and learn how to code (login details have been given to the children).
BBC 10 Pieces – a good resource about music.
Garageband app – children can produce their own music using this app.
Coping with Changes – Social-Emotional Learning Through Play Course. On this course, learners will explore the practical and emotional challenges facing children and discover learning through play and stress management strategies that can help.