Recommended online e-safety resources
An outstanding resource, this is a go-to destination for parents who want advice and support about how to keep children safe online. It contains information and guidance about the main e-safety issues children might be exposed to when browsing the internet. The site contains excellent guides to help parents understand information relevant to their child’s age, the latest in connected technologies, mobile applications, social networking and online gaming. It also has instructions for parents on how to set up parental controls for specific broadband and mobile providers, devices and content providers.
Understanding online safety is tricky for all ages. The NSPCC have advice about how to help you learn about staying safe online as a family. |
Keeping children safe online – This excellent resource is produced NSPCC. It offers support for parents and children on a wide range of issues, including:
- Online safety advice
- Inappropriate and sexual behaviour
- Worried about something online?
- Online safety guides for parents
- Resources for professionals
- Resources for children
- Resources for children with SEND
- Help us keep children safe online
Parental Controls & Privacy Setting Guides
Parental Controls Give your child a safe space to explore their curiosity online. Our step by step guides will help you to set up the right controls and privacy settings on the networks, gadgets, apps, and sites they use to give them a safer online experience. | – Broadband & mobile networks parental controls. Broadband, mobile and WiFi providers offer filters to limit the inappropriate content a child might see. As these typically have to be set manually, you’ll find a comprehensive list of parental control guides that we’ve created to make this process easier to follow with our step by step videos and visual instructions.
Broadband & mobile networks. Broadband, mobile and WiFi providers offer filters to limit the inappropriate content a child might see. As these typically have to be set manually, you’ll find a comprehensive list of parental control guides that we’ve created to make this process easier to follow with our step by step videos and visual instructions.
For those that aren’t on one of the major ISP’s here is a link to the best Parental control software;
"Online Safeguarding from three to thirteen" - recording, presentation & resources
Recording of Online Safeguarding Presentation for Barnes Primary School parents & carers led by Peter Cowley, Achieving for Children’s Lead Adviser for Online Services & Safety and CEOP Ambassador – July 2023.
This link will take you to all the resources mentioned during the presentation (and more!).
An additional folder continues useful Information Sheets with useful Parent Guides and Fact Sheets.
Our Acceptable Use Policies
These documents are displayed in every classroom at Barnes Primary School.
Our Acceptable Use Policies:
Reporting an Incident
Reporting to CEOP – ThinkUKnow
When should I report? If you’re worried that your child is being groomed online or sexually exploited you should report your concerns to CEOP. It is not always easy to spot the signs of online grooming and sexual exploitation so if you have any concern at all about someone your child is in contact with, you should get in touch.