Our writing model
So what do we do? What is our formula? We use a model that offers a high level of scaffolding of the writing experience. The complementary processes of imitation and deconstruction are used. An overview of our approach is available on the link below:
As part of our approach we provide children with words to use in their writing. We refer to these sheets of words to use as word mats, and children have these available at the point of composition. Giving pupils words or phrases to start sentences with really helps them to get started. Different sentence starters are provided according to the style of writing that is being taught.
Sentence starters for Key Stage 1
Sentence starters for Key Stage 2
The writing tasks set relate to the texts that pupils study. Units of learning, with defined written outcomes, are created around high-quality texts that are read and analysed in class. Most units last for two to three weeks and children engage in a range of preparatory activities based upon the book they are studying. We also ensure that pupils have frequent opportunities to write more independently, with limited support.