Our vision for writing
We want every child to leave Barnes with the ability to write with fluency, confidence and joy. Our aim is to equip the children with skills they can take with them into the next stage of their education, allowing them to thrive and embrace the challenges that await them.
The teaching of writing at Barnes has been a strength of the school for a number of years. Whether in our role as a knowledge centre for writing, or our consistently outstanding results in end of key stage statutory assessments, writing has always been prioritised as a key part of our curriculum offer.
Our successful approach to writing, provides opportunities to develop children’s skills in speaking and listening, reading, grammar and punctuation and of course, writing. Our units of learning, each one based around a high quality text, aim to inspire children to become writers by placing high quality literature at the heart of the learning. Click here to see which books each year group use as a basis for their English units.