Physical Education
British Cycling – Ready, Set, Ride – a set of videos and activities to help learning to ride a bike and working on core skills. (Also available as an mobile app)
Funetics – from England Athletics. The videos demonstrate parents and children (aged 4-11) taking part in FUN activities based on fundamental core movement skills: running, jumping and throwing.
Boogie Beebies – Children’s music programme. A chance for viewers to dance with Nat and Pete.
Premier League Primary Stars – activities spanning most of the curriculum. Particularly good for football lovers. To help support families, here there are curriculum-linked resources available to all for home learning, with no registration required. These free resources will cover English, Maths, Physical activity and Health and Wellbeing for Key Stages 1 and 2, with fun activities to keep children active and learning at home.
Physical Activity – guidelines and activity ideas to stay active for 60 minutes a day.
Premiership Rugby – a collection of free, curriculum-linked resources to help parents up and down the country educate and entertain their children whilst at home.
BBC Let’s get active – fun indoor track and field challenges.
Youth Sport Trust – a number of home learning activities for all ages.
Association for Physical Education – publications, resources and posters.