03. Admission information
Richmond In Year transfer guide 2023-24
Richmond Local Authority deal with mid-year admissions for children joining the main school at any point after the start of the academic year. Applications should be made to the Local Authority. In most circumstances places can only be offered if there are fewer than 30 pupils in the class. In exceptional circumstances the school can offer an additional, supernumerary, place. Such offers are only made if a child has significant medical, social or emotional needs.
The main admission number, 020 8547 5569, is staffed between 9.00am and 2.00pm and between 4.00 and 5.00pm. Please note there is no facility to leave a message on this main admission number at any time, including between 2.00pm and 4.00pm, when it is not staffed. E-mail address: richmond.admissions@achievingforchildren.org.uk
Admission forms
In year Admissions
Richmond council In-Year admissions form
The data on the application form will be stored in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998, the school’s Data Protection policy and Privacy Notice. Details on how we look after your information can be found on our website: www.barnesprimaryschool.co.uk