Our aim:
for all of our learners to be safe, happy, determined, empowered, kind, articulate, co-ordinated and strong risk takers.
We have designed every aspect of our curriculum with these aims in mind to create a happy and productive learning experience for our all children. From the warm welcome on the door, the calm routines, the beautiful indoor and outdoor environment, to the inspiring experiences organised to link in with our learning, we are passionate about making the most of every opportunity!
Early Years Foundation Stage is made up of Nursery and Reception classes. Our fabulous Nursery offers 15 hours and 30 hours provision for our 3-4 year olds, whilst our 2 form entry Reception year is the first step in ‘Big School’ for our 4-5 year olds.
Our curriculum involves half termly themes, such as ‘Celebrations’ or ‘Fairy Tales’, whilst we carefully structure our day to balance short adult-led learning, with longer child-led learning sessions.
We call the latter ‘Free flow’ and this is where children can challenge themselves and follow their curiosity as they play in our wonderful environments. Our highly experienced staff team continually work on honing their skilful interactions with children during these times to extend learning and maximise developmental progress.
Our children make great gains during EYFS, consistently demonstrating high levels of well-being and engagement, leaving Reception well equipped to transition to Year 1.
In EYFS we often say that the school strap line is said in reverse: Laughter, Love and Learning are the hallmarks of our culture.
For a more detailed review of our provision, please do look at our Self Evaluation Form section or the Nursery and Reception pages.